Which database is best? MongoDB vs. Cassandra comparison

Which database is best? MongoDB vs. Cassandra comparison

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NoSQL solutions have replaced traditional databases in many ways. Many companies are having to rethink the way they handle ever larger volumes of data. In the “MongoDB vs. Cassandra” comparison, we have examined what distinguishes, connects and differentiates two of the most important NoSQL database systems. We’ll also reveal which solution is the best for your needs.

Which database is best? MongoDB vs. Cassandra comparison
Which system to choose? A MongoDB vs. Couchbase comparisonESB ProfessionalShutterstock

Which system to choose? A MongoDB vs. Couchbase comparison

  • Know-how

MongoDB and Couchbase have long been among the most popular NoSQL databases in the world. But how do the two solutions differ? And which one is best suited to your needs? We’ve done the work and carried out a MongoDB vs. Couchbase comparison for you. We’ll help you understand what sets these two sought-after systems apart.

Which system to choose? A MongoDB vs. Couchbase comparison
How to set up and configure an Enshrouded server

How to set up and configure an Enshrouded server

  • Know-how

With a dedicated Enshrouded server, you control how many players there are and when the server is online. If you host with a professional provider, you don’t need to keep your computer running in order to host the game. But how much computing power do you need to host a game server? And what steps do you need to take to install and configure the Enshrouded server application? Find out here.

How to set up and configure an Enshrouded server
How to create and host your own Palworld server

How to create and host your own Palworld server

  • Know-how

With your own dedicated Palworld server, you get to determine the speed and difficulty of the gameplay. You also have complete control over who can join the server and when it should be online. But what are the hardware requirements for a Palworld server? And how do you create and configure your own dedicated server? Keep reading to find out.

How to create and host your own Palworld server
How to use your domain for Discord invite links

How to use your domain for Discord invite links

  • Know-how

Discord’s randomly generated invitation links can be both random and cryptic, making them difficult to remember. A simple alternative to this involves replacing a link with a domain name of your choice, one that’s much more legible. Here, we’ll show you how to link your Discord server to your own domain in just a few steps.

How to use your domain for Discord invite links
How to set up a Dead Matter server

How to set up a Dead Matter server

  • Know-how

With the Steam command-line client SteamCMD, you can install your own Dead Matter server in just a few steps. To get started, you’ll need to have a hardware setup that can support the world of Dead Matter and multiplayer adventures. Find out what the requirements for the dedicated server application are and how to set it up.

How to set up a Dead Matter server
How to set up an ARK Survival Ascended Server

How to set up an ARK Survival Ascended Server

  • Know-how

With your own ARK: Survival Ascended server, you can customize and significantly improve your gaming experience. Find out how to set up a dedicated game server on Windows here.

How to set up an ARK Survival Ascended Server
Which is the best backup software? A comparison

Which is the best backup software? A comparison

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Data loss can have serious consequences. Backup programs offer the possibility to back up important data regularly and to restore it quickly and easily in case of hardware failure, viruses or hacker attacks. Reliable backup software ensures that data is protected and can be accessed at any time. Which is the best backup software for your data?

Which is the best backup software? A comparison
What is WiFi?ESB ProfessionalShutterstock

What is WiFi?

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While WLAN and WiFi are often used interchangeably, they aren’t the same as there’s a crucial difference between them. Find out what WiFi is and what distinguishes the standard from WLAN. In our dedicated article, we’ll also explain what WiFi 6 is and how the different names for WiFi generations have come about. Let’s begin.

What is WiFi?
Why is backup encryption important?

Why is backup encryption important?

  • Know-how

Encrypting backups is important for guaranteeing the security of your data. It helps prevent unauthorized access to your data and ransomware attacks. There are different methods for encrypting backups including software, hardware and cloud-based solutions. For the latter, it’s important that your backups have end-to-end encryption. Keep reading to find out more about backup encryption.

Why is backup encryption important?
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